Mon - Fri: 8:00 - 15:00
Working Hours
+255 784 577 115
P.O.Box 907 , Tanga, Tanzania
Maranzara, Pongwe


The Government of the United Republic of Tanzania is committed to steering the nation towards being a Middle Level Income country by 2025. This can be achieved by, among other things, having well educated people who can align themselves with the envisioned economic and social developments and actively participate in the national development processes.

Pongwe Islamic Girls Secondary School is being drive by National Curriculum Framework for Basic and Teacher Education (NCFBTE) which is derived from the National Development Vision, National Education Vision and Education and Training Policy of 2014.


Equity entails providing equal and fair opportunities to optimize the learning potential of all learners, and protecting the right of each learner to receive an adequate educational programme regardless of their sex, socioeconomic background, or individual characteristics.

It requires that reasonable adjustments be made to enable those who are at a disadvantage to be at a level playing field with their counterparts. All learners should enjoy the same educational benefits.

Teaching as a noble profession

Competent teachers demonstrate possession of acceptable standards with regard to:
  1. Professional knowledge;
  2. Professional skills and practice;
  3. Professional ethics, values and attributes;
  4. Professional leadership, community and relationships and;
  5. Professional learning.


Quality is a situation in which all learners have access to quality education, each learner enjoys a safe and supportive learning environment, appropriate resources and facilities are sufficient, and teaching standards are high so that every learner succeeds.

It also includes a broad and balanced curriculum at all levels, career guidance with appropriate support to prepare pupils for the world of work and high expectations among pupils.

General Objectives and Competencies

Current concerns about teacher education include:

  1. Teachers need to internalize the new competence based paradigm;
  2. New teaching and learning materials need to be developed in line with the competence based curriculum;
  3. There is a need to empower classroom teachers to adopt competence based teaching and learning in the classroom situation.
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